International Investigations

Cieffe Investigazioni has been working for more than 10 years in the international context on behalf of insurance companies, financial institutions and banks, carrying out investigations in the field of anti-fraud, risk prevention and assessment, liability and damage evaluation, people search. Thanks to the work carried out in the field over the years, Cieffe Investigazioni has specialised in company “due diligence”, to tracing and risk assessment in contractual matters.

In addition, either directly or through its foreign correspondents, Cieffe Investigazioni has always been involved in tracing persons or companies, verifying the authenticity of documents, trafficking in cars, boats and stolen goods, and has specialised in investigations at international land and sea customs, establishing relations with maritime companies and customs police forces.

In all the foreign countries where our investigation agency operates, Cieffe Investigazioni has set up its own local offices, establishing effective cooperation with foreign agencies, promoting training to achieve a high standard of investigation, and cooperating with leading law firms and professionals in the sector.

Thanks to our network of assistants and associated professionals, we are able to communicate in ten different languages, including Arabic and Turkish.



Cieffe Investigazioni carries out its activities throughout Europe, for all types of investigations, cooperating with leading investigative agencies/law firms of international law.

Cieffe is able to carry out investigations and acquire official documentation in all European countries.

Over the years, Cieffe Investigazioni has also specialised in anti-fraud investigations and theft investigations in the main European ports, thanks to cooperation with customs police and European shipping companies. In a number of cases we have been operating in the ports of Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Kiel. In addition, we cooperated with the customs authorities regarding investigations of international traffic with Africa in the ports of Sete (Marseille), Algeciras and Tarifa.

We are also able to carry out asset investigations on both individuals and companies in order to identify economic capacity and solvency in almost all Schengen countries.

Countries in which we operate directly or through agents: Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria.  


In recent years, our staff have carried out on-site investigations to tracing assets, persons and companies, also availing ourselves of international law firms with offices in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

In 2019, in cooperation with leading investigative companies, we carried out research for foreign banks in Russia and Ukraine, establishing relationships with local colleagues which enabled us to achieve excellent results. We are developing these partnerships, by investing in this direction, to create a professional network.

Countries in which we are operating directly or through agents: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia.  


Cieffe Investigazioni has been operating in Turkey for about six years, with significant achievements in the field of anti-fraud; in this long period of activity, our institute has created excellent professional relationships with local law firms and professionals.


Cieffe Investigazioni has been operating in Africa since 2008 with hundreds of investigations carried out in Morocco, Senegal, Algeria and Tunisia. In all these years, our investigation institute has established relationships with professionals of recognised value in Africa and we can affirm that, also through them, it is possible to carry out documentary verifications and tracing of individuals and companies.

In 2019, we have supported a training project at the Port of Tanger - Med (Africa's largest commercial port), training and providing electronic devices for car identification and document analysis to the Police Judiciaire.

We are holding direct relationships with the authorities in Casablanca and Rabat in Morocco and Dakar in Senegal; in Senegal we have established a professional relationship with an international commercial law firm, owned by an Italian lawyer, with which we are able to carry out investigations both in Senegal and in other African countries.

Countries where we are operating directly or through agents: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Senegal and other Central African countries, according to your requirements.


Following investigations concerning the veracity of medical documentation, international payments and entry into countries where prior visas are required, Cieffe Investigazioni carried out investigations with excellent results in collaboration with an international law firm, also used by the Italian Embassy in the Dominican Republic.

In particular, we achieved significant evidences regarding the veracity of accounting records of money transfers through international circuits (Money Transfert, WeTransfert).

We are therefore able to operate, through the local agent, in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and the nearby islands.

We are also available for any problems in other foreign countries not mentioned on this page.
